Before you stand

His voice trembled with pride as he sat on His throne to dish out the instruction. He was so proud of himself that finally he had won these same people that had proven so strong in time past. These were no ordinary people, they were the “Israelites” whose history brought fear to the neighbouring countries. People who had a God that helped them win battles. It was almost unbelievable that he now had them in His hands. Of course, he would make good use of them.

It was no surprise when he said, ” bring me some of the children of Israel, the ones from royalty and notable background. Youths that have no blemish, that look good, are skillful in all wisdom, knowledge and understanding, those ones that are good enough to ‘stand’ before my palace; that we can teach them our language and ways.”

And so youths that met this qualification were chosen. All intelligent, all good looking, all fit to stand before the king.

But they didn’t just say, okay o, we have found these people, they are fit to stand before the king, oya go and stand in the palace, nah.

Now He knew that even though these people had met the qualification to stand before His throne, an investment of time had to be made. So he ordered that they be very educated and nourished for 3 years.

Lol even people who met the qualification needed 3 years of learning. Seeth thou a man diligent in his work, he will stand before kings; but before the standing before the king, there would be a time set aside to underground work, development of character, mastering of skills, nourishing of bones and beautifying of spirit.
It’s not enough to be talented or gifted. If you want to stand, you must go through that refining process. Charley you must take your time, go deep, study, garner knowledge and build momentum.

Now out of all these “qualified people” that were to be nourished and educated for 3 years, Daniel determined not to defile himself with the King’s food and so 4 boys out of all the chosen youths distinguished themselves by eating something other than the King’s food.

Pause… you want to stand right, what are you doing differently? In what ways are you separating and consecrating yourself? Do you spend your time doing what every other person is doing? Do you give yourself to prayer and the word? Charley, we must separate ourselves in this generation.

As for these for youths that chose to separate themselves, God gave them knowledge and skill in all learning and wisdom. Ghen ghen!

Now, 3 years came to an end and it was time for the King to meet these qualified people.

The king walked up to each one and asked them questions, they all answer and he nods his head smiling, it was after all a good decision to bring in youths from Israel.

Suddenly, he sights four guys, looking different from the rest, it wasn’t about their attire, there was just something unusual about them and so he decides to have a conversation with them.

They talk about a wide variety of things and at some point during the conversation, his mouth is left open due to the intensity of the words coming from these four. These guys were so deep, that even though the other people were obviously very intelligent, no physically acquired intelligence could compare to theirs. Therefore, they were assigned to stand before the king.

Kai! So what happened to the rest that were chosen and had invested 3 years of their lives learning just to stand before the king? Whilst thinking on these, I realised that all of them prepared but what distinguished these 4 was that God himself gave them wisdom. No amount of learning can be compared to the God given wisdom, this is what distinguishes you even among the qualified. This is what makes you stand out among intellectuals. It is what takes you to the palace.

I don’t know about you, but I want to operate in God’s dimension of wisdom that makes people irresistible. Now the beautiful things is this, He knew that I’ll come to the knowledge of this someday so he made provision for me “If any of you lack wisdom, let Him ask of God, who gives to everyone liberally and ungrudgingly, without fault finding and it will be given him.

Glory! All we need to do is ask, what are you waiting for?

PS: It’s been a long time since I’ve wanted to write on this topic, thank God it’s been done now.

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Victory Osarumwense

Popularly called Victory Osas is a Financial Analyst by day and a creative storyteller with every breath she takes. She is the kind of person who would take the window sit in a car just to look at the people walking by. She says that people are walking stories and often finds a way to wrap ordinary moments that people would overlook to her works.

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