“God told me to start today”- Abimbola Obaje (Founder of Zoe Choosers)

Hello, here is another episode of #BoldSteps; one foot in front of anotheršŸ˜Š.

Today weā€™ll be meeting Miss Abimbola Obaje, the founder of Zoe Choosers and Beez Atelier menā€™s fashion. This treasure here is amazing and absolutely worth your time.

Hello Miss, Letā€™s meet you please. Who is Abimbola, beyond the pretty damsel with a beautiful smile? šŸ˜®Ā 

Lolā€¦ I am Abimbola Iyewande Obaje, a graduate of economics from University of Ibadan.Ā 

Iā€™m an introvert, I love reading novels and sleeping. I donā€™t really enjoy talking but Iā€™m working on that.šŸ˜Š

Iā€™m also a full-time God person and that shapes everything I do.

Oh niceā€¦I like the name Iyewande, whatā€™s the meaning?

Something like another mother is here.

Thatā€™s beautiful really. Recently, I saw zoe choosers handle on instagram. I didnā€™t give it much thought until I started reading the posts and WOW!!..

Tell us aboutĀ Zoe choosers .

Zoe choosers foundation is about lifeā€¦ The God kind.Ā I believe in life, love and grace. Therefore, we care for and support ladies with unplanned pregnancy and encourage them to choose life for themselves and their babies

wow, it is nice to know that someone is supporting these people and showing them that an ā€œunplanned pregnancyā€ is not the end of the world.

Exactly, and although it is a Christian organization, our operation cuts across religion, tribe and suchā€¦ We just Love!!!

Hmmm real love girl!

But why are you doing this? What ignited this passion?

I got the vision two years ago when I was attending Winners Bible school(wofbi) and I actually thought it was for a motherless babies home which has always been a dream for me but a lot of things happened and I almost forgot it until I was almost done with service year. I knew I was supposed to help people but I didnā€™t know how, I thought of volunteering at an orphanage after service and just helping others but I kept on praying and in the month of May, somehow I read a lot of things related to abortion and unplanned pregnancy and ā€˜God told me this is itā€™.Ā 

Lol, I can still remember thinking ā€˜like seriously Lord,this??? šŸ˜…

I can imagine, so what happened?

I didnā€™t have any cash to start anything so I decided Iā€™ll start later but on the 27th of May, He gave me the name Zoe choosers and told me ā€œstart todayā€. Can you believe he gave me this word for it:ā€Ā . Deuteronomy 30:19, ā€œI call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you LIFE and DEATH, BLESSING and CURSING: therefore CHOOSE LIFE, that both thou and thy seed may liveā€

Wow, START TODAY! and a word to follow. Thatā€™s so specific.

That was it, it hasnā€™t been easy but God has been faithful.

And when frustration wants to creep in, I look to this word: Isaiah 55:5 ā€œBehold, thou shalt call a nation that thou knowest not, and nations that knew not thee shall run unto thee because of the LORD thy God, and for the Holy One of Israel; for he hath glorified theeā€.

Wow, this is indeed interesting.

Iā€™ve had some similar experiences in the past that is a Ā driving force to encourage people choose life.Ā 


I must say that it was indeed a bold step you took, so how has the journey been so far?

As in it hasnā€™t been a bed of roses but God has been faithful. He shows up for me all the time. Iā€™ve had to use my money for a lot of things but I have also received open doors and favor on all sides.

Hmmā€¦Iā€™m listening.

Everytime Iā€™m tempted to relax or give in to frustration, Ā some sends me a message or calls me to encourage me so itā€™s been Ā God o and Iā€™ve met awesome people too. I believe this is just the beginning.

So, exactly what kind of support do you provide?

We give counseling and financial support if needed and we have surprise baby showers and little gifts just to encourage them.Ā 

We also provide medical support. We have professional partners like doctors, psychologist and pastors.

Thatā€™s interesting. Tell us about Zoe choosersā€™ project one jewel, one pad.

So one jewel one pad was borne out of the need to improve the menstrual health of girls in public schools in Ilorin Kwara state. Based on my outings on sex education and abstinence, I realized they make use of tissues, clothes and rags for menstruation and I was led to do this.

We give out pads and give them talks on menstrual health and sex education. We have been to seven schools and weā€™ll go to more this week.Ā 

The grand finale is on the 6th of December where we hope to give out 1000pads.

Well-done! But what if a girl still chooses abortion instead of life after everything?

Sometimes, some of the girls still choose to abort but we donā€™t cast them out. We also offer post-abortion counseling and offer them Godā€™s grace which is a lifeline so they wonā€™t drown in guilt and regret.

Have people been responding financially?

Yes, People have o. This project has strengthened my faith in God. There are times when I have an outing the next day and I donā€™t have any pad at hand but something always give way and I get it.Ā 

All in all, I havenā€™t been disappointed, God has kept his word.Ā 

Glory!! By the way, outside Zoe choosers, what else do you do?

Hmmā€¦ Church and menā€™s fashion. My fashion line is Beez atelier. I do ā€œmade to wearā€, ā€œmade to measureā€ and Asooke for weddings.Ā 

Can be reached via Instagram @Beezatelier, Facebook page Beez atelier, Email: beezatelier2017@gmail.com) Ā  Phone nos- 07017008971

You are talented and hardworking! How do you make time to juggle all of these stuff.

Lol, funny enough, I didnā€™t see all this when I was serving o. I wanted to get a job and start flexing but after service I asked God what next and he led me into men fashion. I was like ā€˜what Ā me? Fashion designer, but Iā€™m in it now and enjoying it.

I try to focus on one at a time.

This interview has been very interesting and Iā€™ve been inspired greatly. Any last words?

Yes, Your reality is only as real as you perceive it to beā€¦ Be a water walkeršŸ˜„šŸ˜ƒ.

Deep! Thanks for taking the time out to make this interview a reality. Enjoy the rest of your day.

Ps: People, I hope you have been inspired and blessed. Please support Zoe choosers by reaching out to them financially, by volunteering or simply cheering them on.

ā€œInstagram ā€“ @zoe_choosers. Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Email: Zoechoosers@gmail.com. Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  24/7 Contact line- 07017008971ā€

Is there someone youā€™d like to see featuredĀ on our #BoldSteps segment, simply message @veekhythinks_blog on instagram or ā€œVEEKHYTHINKSā€ facebook page.

Bye! Till next week šŸ˜Š.

Listen to #Breathe Spoken word Ep here:

Watch ā€˜Victory Osasā€™ spoken word videos here:Ā 

Victory Osarumwense

Popularly called Victory Osas is a Financial Analyst by day and a creative storyteller with every breath she takes. She is the kind of person who would take the window sit in a car just to look at the people walking by. She says that people are walking stories and often finds a way to wrap ordinary moments that people would overlook to her works.

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