“I am his sous chef”- Victoria Oluwagbesan (dine as royalty)

Hello, here is another episode of #BoldSteps; one foot in front of another.

Today, we would be meeting an amazing lady who is even more beautiful than pictures can depict. Her name is Victoria Oluwagbesan, an artist, fashion designer and food recipe creator at http://www.dineasroyalty.com

Go and stalk her blog after this interview.

You know how we limit “talent” to a ‘few’ abilities right, meeting Victoria opened my eyes to how beautiful it is to look inward and use our unique ability to bless lives.

When I heard that she was a food recipe creator …my ears stood at attention  and i went on a stalking spree which left me salivating. Here are some pictures culled from her blog ” dineasroyalty.com

Every sentence in this interview is worth your time. Let’s do this!

Victoria, I remember looking through your food blog and wondering, what is the inspiration behind this? Tell us, how did it all start?

In 2011, my mum was diagnosed with cancer and was undergoing treatment at a hospital in North Carolina. She was placed on a vegetarian diet but after a while, her diet got boring and it really bothered me especially since i was the one making her daily bowls of salad. This was a period when i was at home waiting to resume at Obafemi Awolowo University in  January, 2012.

Oh my heart😮?  What happened next?

I eventually resumed school in January and had to leave home but i was determined to join her diet and find better ways to make it interesting for her. This decision made me become a plain vegetarian for 3 months straight

Kai…love must have been the motivation eh?

Yes o, I love my mum like ehnnn!!

Anyway, that was my first experience with food experimenting.

In school, I’ll try out a meal and excitedly call home to tell our cook or mum to try it out, that was how it all started. Now looking back, i remember mum told me to stop the vegetarian diet as it was making me lose weight, but by then the food experimenting fire had already been ignited.

Wow! So beauty and glory came out of gross darkness.

ExactlyLater in 2014 I started snapping my delicacies with my pocket camera and was led to move it to a blog. So i began to take DSLR pictures and document the recipes.


I launched the blog on my 21st birthday; April 22nd 2015.

Wow, so http://www.dineasroyalty.com was a progression, not an all at once thing, the inspiration, interest, ideas came one step at a time. Thank you!

So did your mum know about it?

Well, she had passed away in December of 2012

I’m glad she still lives on and finds expression through your creativity.

Earlier on, you mentioned that you were “led” to move it to a blog. I find it beautiful that the role of God isn’t downplayed.

It can’t be downplayed at all o. The name  of the blog came from him, even the recipes honestly, are Holy Spirit inspired.

I always say that I’m His  sous chef and i dare not underplay the role of having a relationship with God in the scheme of things.

On a lighter note though, somebody cannot even fast while looking at your blog😂😂😂😭😭😭😭😭.

Oya tell us about your famous “Panwama” which was sold at Marina resort’s “taste of Calabar” last month.

Yes, Panwama is a recipe of pancake with filling, you can learn how to make it here: http://dineasroyalty.com/2015/08/panwama/

(Dress designed by Victoria Oluwagbesan)

How do you combine your interest in fashion designing, art and food?

Art is ambiguous.

It is in design, food etc. So everything is an artistic expression. Food however, is my most innate calling. I can’t give up on food!

I’m really curious though, what do you do when you are not inventing food, designing etc.

Lol…I watch food network or fashion tv 



Interesting…so where do you see your “dine as royalty” brand in the next five years?

I would continually create recipes and become a consultant for upcoming food brands by creating healthy recipes for restaurants and families. Diet plans that suit individual lifestyle would be added and then a food show too.

I say more grace! It has been such a beautiful time getting to know you. Any last words?


GOD has created each of us for a purpose and we are successful to the degree we are fulfilling that purpose.

(Dress designed by Victoria Oluwagbesan)


Ps: Thank you Victoria for blessing us. It was an enjoyable experience getting to know you. You are all shades of humility.


Hello reader, I know you have been blessed.

This is #BoldSteps; one foot in front of another.

Have a beautiful week. I love you.

Victory Osarumwense

Popularly called Victory Osas is a Financial Analyst by day and a creative storyteller with every breath she takes. She is the kind of person who would take the window sit in a car just to look at the people walking by. She says that people are walking stories and often finds a way to wrap ordinary moments that people would overlook to her works.

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