Ever heard the phrase “what will Jesus do?”- Now don’t stop reading Biko, I’m not about to say something cliche’
So guys, the first time I heard this phrase was when I was in teenage church. The woman from whose mouth the phrase spewed out made us write it in our notes. She stood afar off and said that whenever we were faced with any issues in school or at home, we should ask our selves the question – what will Jesus do?
How easy, yet fictional it seemed.
I mean, picture a girl always closing her eyes to consult with the Spirit in her, silencing the voice of her seat mate (shhhshhs shhh Jennifer, I want to ask Jesus something about this situation lol)- I don’t know why I’m this dramatic but let’s continue sha.
To be honest, I tried to do “what will Jesus do?” for like a week, but mehn, I don’t even know how I stopped
Today, I sit back and realise that perhaps Christianity is not that complicated o. That it is in the simple instructions we were taught as children, the songs we chanted in Sunday school like-
“🎼Read your bible, pray everyday, pray everyday, pray everyday, read your bible, pray everyday if you want to grow…”
oh the joy with which we chanted these simple, instructive songs.
I’m still laughing about how these simple truth still matters even as an adult- more so now.
I mean, it is now we see the world for what it is,
The broken people, two-faced who will backstab and then you say, I won’t forgive.
It is now that you’d find yourself torn between taking the bribe because it is the way it is done and silencing the part of you that says, this doesn’t feel right sha
It is now that issues will be brought to your desk, things that’d make you shrink back yourself and almost hide your face, your faith and you’re just like I have no opinion on this matter.
What I am just trying to say biko is that it’s now, that the phrase ” what will Jesus do?” should actually be our motto, something we wear like ID cards around our necks,
Something we’d take with us to the rest room to breathe out bad energy and say, this person’s words doesn’t define me.
Like a dictionary, something we’d constantly consult to figure out life.
I mean, isn’t Jesus the author and finisher of our faith anymore?
The one who’d leave 99 sheeps to go seek out the one- weak, broken, gullible -that has gone missing?
I’m basically re-examining my life and re-evaluating my priorities.
Victory (insert your name), who then should be the first point of call, when you’re stuck in a dilemma?
The many voices of strangers who may just be looking for drama to spice up their day or the word-Jesus and His instruction to guide you?
Food for thought for the week guys.
I think this article feels so serious, but it’s a truth that has to be shared and even applies to me too, now more than ever.
Happy Sunday love❤️ and do share your thoughts in the comment section.
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