Sex was like “good morning”

My name is Raphael O. and a pervert is a perfect description of who I was in my high school and early university days. Fornication was my best food and sex was like ‘good-morning’ greetings to me. I was so promiscuous that I wouldn’t mind having a fling with friends and even sisters. Unfortunately, I lost count of the number of girls I had sex with.

I had all sorts of bad habits including stealing from my dad; this was one of the many reasons why he referred to me as the “most stubborn child”. I thought I was very smart, but somehow God arrested me.

On 27 May 2016, I was reading a book titled ‘101 Prayers that strengthen marriages and other relationships’ by Elisha Goodman when I fell asleep. After about 4 hours I woke up and heard an audible voice say “where will you be if you are to die today; heaven or hell?” I was scared and immediately was convicted of my sins. It was a life changing moment as I rededicated my life to Christ there and then because even though I had been born again, i was not living in the faith.

I went on a three days dry fast “Esther fast” and became so thirsty for the word that I couldn’t do anything to stop myself. God spoke to me during my fast through scriptures telling me to meditate on James 3:17. I became a totally different person; my thinking pattern and behavior changed. As time went on, friends started calling me ‘Pastor’ even without my telling them anything. I participated in my first village evangelism called Graduate in Village Evangelism (G.I.V.E) in which I witnessed the healing of a man who had been mad for years; this boosted my faith to an entirely new level.

Unfortunately, my dad died two months after this encounter, but thank God I found peace even in the midst of the storm because I had understood the scripture that said: “it is appointed unto man to die once and after judgment”. One of my most painful moments was when my sister told me what my dad had said about me. He said, “Junior was the most stubborn child among you but he’s now the most devoted child” I was almost in tears, just wishing he had lived a little longer to see where God is taking me.

On Wednesday 2 November 2016, I heard a voice from God whilst praying telling me to go pray for a friend’s mum who had been suffering from stroke. I remembered that we had previously gone to the hospital to pray for her and so I was in doubt before eventually believing that it was still possible for God to heal her through me. I obeyed and went with my friend to pray for her. We prayed for almost an hour and thirty minutes and the demon started manifesting. The demon said “you are too bold!” and I knew that very moment that the devil has no power especially after the demon said same.

See, the devil is as powerless as you can think of you. You must know this truth as you keep moving in the Christian journey. For what he works with is fear. As I’m writing this, the woman is healed and walking. I really thank God for enlightening the eyes of my understanding to know the power invested in me “ye shall know the truth and the truth shall surely set you free”

I sincerely believe that if God can use me, a former perverted being, he would also use you if you avail yourself to him. Please accept Him and your life will be a living testimony.

PS:  Say this prayer aloud to become born again/rededicate your life to Christ.

“Dear God,today I ask you to forgive me of my sins, I believe that Jesus died for me and that you raised Him from the dead for me. I confess that Jesus is my LORD from this moment. Thank you for saving me right now. Amen”.

Welcome to a new life in Christ! Now you have to study the Bible and get to know God for yourself. I am 100% sure that your life cannot remain the same.

God bless you Raphael for your boldness in sharing this with the world. More grace to do the will of God!

Thanks to you wonderful person reading this. Special shout out to the new readers, dont leave without checking out older posts😊.

Why not share this with someone to remind them that God’s arm is wide open waiting to welcome them back no matter how far they’ve strayed.

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Victory Osarumwense

Popularly called Victory Osas is a Financial Analyst by day and a creative storyteller with every breath she takes. She is the kind of person who would take the window sit in a car just to look at the people walking by. She says that people are walking stories and often finds a way to wrap ordinary moments that people would overlook to her works.

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