“Do your job, get men healed”- Gideon Egharevba

Victory’s note: Here is another episode of #BeingReal, where real people share real stories. This one is by Egharevba Gideon, be blessed!

This will encourage many persons.

2015 was my final year as a student and it was also to be my last missions as a student.

We planned to hold two crusades at the village and on the first day of it,we called out for the sick to be prayed for and the outreachers ministered to them.

I was standing when i saw one of the outreachers coming to me with an aged woman in his hands. He said with excitement:

“HOD, I brought this woman to you so you can pray for her. She said she has partial stroke and can’t move one of her arms”

Okay, first off, at that time I’d never prayed for a person with stroke.

Secondly,I was very tired as I had handled logistics and the set up for the crusade.

Lastly, I definitely didn’t feel like I was in my “highest spiritual state”.
Going by how I felt, I was as normal as normal could ever be.

Well I had to just pray regardless of how I felt. The expectant look on the young man’s face didn’t give me another option.

So I laid hands on the sick woman and prayed. I then said: “Mama carry your hand go up”

…and she tried to but couldn’t.
The stroke was still there.

I did this three consecutive times and got the same result.
Mama could not move the affected part still.

The young man’s face was already drooling with disappointment and I on the other hand was already tired too.

So I told the woman
“Mama, God don heal you. Go house make you go thank God”
And I left to attend to others.

The next day was the second day of the crusade and we gave room for testimony. Lo and behold, mama came out 😃
She was swirling that dead arm in reckless abandonment giving Glory to God!
She had been healed of stroke!

Crusade ended and as I was leaving, I heard somebody shouting my name and running at me, i turned back and saw it was the same outreacher who had brought the old woman to me to be prayed for the previous day.

He was stuttering and in obvious shock and said
“HO…HO..HOD..that woman you prayed for got healed”
I smiled and told him I saw her too when she came out for testimony.
I realized then he didn’t believe she was healed the first day cos he saw nothing in the physical.
I then told him ” blessed are those who believe without seeing”

Sometimes, we stop the power of God that’s already at work when we slide into unbelief just because we don’t see immediate evidence.

Jesus said we will lay hands on the sick and they will RECOVER.
Recovery speaks of a process.
Now that process can be short as in a second long and we term it “immediately” or it can take longer time as in several hours.

Personally though,when I lay hands or speak,I expect instant recovery because you essentially see what you’re expecting.

However in cases where I am not seeing instant evidence, I believe still that the healing power of God is at work and in time it will be physically evident and when its taking a longer time than I would want,I lay hands AGAIN and speak to hasten the healing process.
I do not go into unbelief and short circuit the healing process.

I always believe that something happens whenever I lay hands or speak cause Jesus said it does and I believe him.

As believers, be intentional about dispensing healing.
You’re Rapha walking the earth.

Do your job:)
Get men healed 🙂

PS: Happy Easter!!

And I quote “you are Rapha on earth”. Know your place in Christ and the power that has been wielded unto you through Christ’s resurrection!!

I dare you to exercise your authority by praying for any sick person around you. Have faith and experience a miracle!

Victory Osarumwense

Popularly called Victory Osas is a Financial Analyst by day and a creative storyteller with every breath she takes. She is the kind of person who would take the window sit in a car just to look at the people walking by. She says that people are walking stories and often finds a way to wrap ordinary moments that people would overlook to her works.

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